# Ethereum Signature verified

In view of the fact that EIP712(opens new window) can show users more intuitive and safe information, pw-lock preferentially supports EIP712 related signature method eth_signTypedData_v4(opens new window) . However, currently only a few ETH wallets can fully support EIP712. In order to fully support the Ethereum ecosystem, pw-lock also adapts to the personalSign(opens new window) signature currently supported by most Ethereum wallets.

PW-Lock script provides two signature verification methods: eth_personalSign and eth_signTypedData_v4.

# eth_personalSign

# hash calculation

The same hash calculation process is the same as the CKB system lock script secp256k1_blake160_sighash_all.c(opens new window) , but replace blake2b into keccak256.

# signature verification

// pseudo code, the actual code is written in C language
const wrappedMessageDigest = hashPersonalMessage(messageDigest)

hashPersonalMessage = function(message: Buffer): Buffer {
  const prefix = Buffer.from(
    `\u0019Ethereum Signed Message:\n${message.length.toString()}`,
  return keccak(Buffer.concat([prefix, message]))

const pubkey = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(signature, wrappedMessageDigest)
if (pubkey.slice(12, 32) === lock.args){
    return 0;
  1. Use the ECDSA_RECOVER algorithm to calculate the 32-byte pubkey from the personalHash and the signature.
  2. Check if the last 20 bytes of pubkey are equal to lock args (that is, Ethereum address).

# eth_signTypedData_v4

# hash calculation

The hash calculation process is the same as the CKB system lock script, except that blake2b is replaced by keccak256.

# signature verification

// pseudo code, the actual code is written in C language
const wrappedMessageDigest = hashPersonalMessage(messageDigest)
const typedData = {
    domain: {
      chainId: 1,
      name: 'ckb.pw',
      verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC',
      version: '1'

    message: {
      fee: '0.00100000CKB',
      'input-sum': '100.00000000CKB',
      to: [
          address: 'ckb1qyqv4yga3pgw2h92hcnur7lepdfzmvg8wj7qwstnwm',
          amount: '100.00000000CKB'
          amount: '799.99800000CKB'
    primaryType: 'CKBTransaction',
    types: {
      EIP712Domain: [
        { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'version', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' },
        { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' }
      CKBTransaction: [
        { name: 'hash', type: 'bytes32' },
        { name: 'fee', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'input-sum', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'to', type: 'Output[]' }
      Output: [
        { name: 'address', type: 'string' },
        { name: 'amount', type: 'string' }

typedData.message.hash = wrappedMessageDigest
typedData.message['input-sum'] = total_input_amount(tx)
typedData.message.fee = total_input_amount(tx) - total_output_amount(tx)
typedData.message.to = extractTxOutputsInfo(tx)

According to the CKB transaction information, input-sum / fee / to related informations are calculated and assigned to the corresponding attribute of typedData.

# signature verification

// pseudo code, the actual code is written in C language

const sigUtil = require('eth-sig-util')

const wrappedMessageDigest2 =  sigUtil.TypedDataUtils.sign(typedData)
const pubkey = secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(signature, wrappedMessageDigest2)
if( pubkey.slice(12,32) === lock.args){
    return 0;
  1. Calculate wrappedMessageDigest2 by typedData, and use ECDSA_RECOVER algorithm to calculate 32-byte pubkey from wrappedMessageDigest2 and signature.
  2. Check if the last 20 bytes of pubkey are equal to lock args (that is, Ethereum address).